Judi Bush
The artifacts featured in our display and on the Artifacts in the Arb page are only a small portion of all the artifacts our class found during survey and excavation in the Arb. A spreadsheet documenting all of our finds can be found here. Photographs of a few notable finds that were not included in our display are shown below.
The finds shown below are from the Waterford Mill site.
In addition to our work at Waterford Mill, our class did fieldwalking to survey the site of a farm dump elsewhere in the arb. Below are photos of some of the artifacts found at that site.
Works Cited
AdVinatgeCom. 2017. “Vintage Toothpaste Ad Colgate Ribbon Dental Cream 1953 Tooth Paste Advertisement Print Dentist Office Wall Art Retro 1950s Bathroom Decor.” Etsy. https://www.etsy.com/listing/529437175/vintage-toothpaste-ad-colgate-ribbon?show_sold_out_detail=1.
Blake, H.J. 2013. “Toothpaste History.” Blake Family & Cosmetic Dentistry. https://cosmeticdentistpleasantgrove.com/218-2/.
Ebay. 2019. “Vintage Wooden Horse Hames.” Ebay. https://www.ebay.com/i/123603240702.
Insulators – Glass and Porcelain. 2007. “Insulator Profile: HEMINGRAY-42.” Insulators – Glass and Porcelain. https://www.insulators.info/general/profiles/154hemi.htm.
My Draft Horse Super Store. 2019. “Hames.” My Draft Horse Super Store. https://www.mydrafthorse.com/index.cfm/category/42/hames.htm.
WorthPoint. 2019a. “Antique Bowkers Pyrox Poison Bottle, 1920s, Fine.” WorthPoint. https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/antique-bowkers-pyrox-poison-bottle-111402079.
WorthPoint. 2019b. “Vintage 1940’s Colgate Ribbon Dental Cream Giant Size New Old Stock.” WorthPoint. https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/vintage-1940s-colgate-ribbon-dental-1807675938.