
In order to better understand what we excavated, surveyed, and discussed at the Pine Hill Village site, we formed three groups to look at the wider context that Pine Hill Village was situated in. A fourth group also looked at the contexts of other archaeologically interesting sites at Carleton apart from Pine Hill Village.

Background of Veterans Villages Nationally puts Pine Hill Village in a wider, national context, looking at how the federal government enacted the GI Bill to get veterans back to college, and specifically, how it was used to establish veterans’ villages.

Carleton’s Administration and the Creation of Pine Hill Village digs deeper into how Carleton and the federal government interacted and the disagreements that developed after veteran students returned with their families and housing became an issue. As we see on this page, Pine Hill Village’s creation was not an easy endeavor, even though the two positions were ultimately working together.

Related Sites at Other Minnesotan Schools explores the cases of veteran housing and villages at Macalester College in St. Paul and St. Olaf College in Northfield. This page compares these case studies to that of Pine Hill Village at Carleton, ultimately concluding that there are several differences and similarities between the three private, liberal arts schools in Minnesota.

The final page regarding our “Contexts” theme is Other Archaeological Sites. This page publicizes the work that we have been doing in this class by listing, explicating, and conducting archival research on sites of archaeological interest (at Carleton or in the Northfield area) to 2017 Methods students. This page provides background information for other potential archaeological research at Carleton in the future.

Click on the drop-down menu under “Contexts” or on the name of the page above to learn more about each page!

Credits- Amie Bigirimana, Nicole Connell, Jack Coyne, Ben Koppel, Randa Larsen, Ross Matican, and Zayn Saifullah