Part 2: Alice’s Google Calendar

Our second project was creating a detailed schedule for a week in Alice’s life from her junior year fall term in 1898. Mimicking a common current schedule for a Carleton student, we formatted it as a Google Calendar. Using her information from the course catalog taped into her scrapbook along with online lists of classes offered in 1898 for juniors, we found the room numbers and times for her classes. From the information from the student handbook taped into the scrapbook, we found the schedules for daily prayers, devotionals, and Literary Society meeting times. For context of the path she would have taken from her dorm (Gridley Hall) to her classes, a map of the old campus from the late 1880’s on top of the current campus, as well as a campus map from 1902/03 are pictured below:

Map Credit: Sarah Kennedy
Map Credit: Carleton College Archives

Rooms A through I are in Willis Hall, Rooms L through R are in Williams Hall, and S and T are in the Observatory.